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Clariant是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/clariant.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Clariant是什么意思 Clariant在线翻译 Clariant什么意思 Clariant的意思 Clariant的翻译 Clariant的解释 Clariant的发音 Clariant的同义词 ClariantClariant 网络解释

1. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

1. 瑞士科莱恩:以纺织品进出口贸易为发展的专业公司. 公司设有技术部、染料助剂部、莱卡纤维部、国际贸易部、财务部、业务部、储运部. 公司染料助剂部代理瑞士汽巴(CIBA)德国巴斯夫(BASF)瑞士科莱恩(Clariant)、美国菲诺(Filo)、美国杜邦(Dupont)

2. 科莱恩公司造纸化学品的司标缩写:COMER COMER S.P.A 意大利卡玛公司的缩略语 造纸设备 | CIBA 汽巴精化有限公司的缩略语 | CLARIANT 科莱恩公司 (造纸化学品)的司标缩写

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 科莱恩上海汽车中心 汽车用材料研发设计:Trelleborg Automotive 无锡中策减震器研发中心 车用汽车减震器 | MagnetiMarelli 马瑞利动力系统(上海) 汽车动力系统研发设计 | Clariant 科莱恩上海汽车中心 汽车用材料研发设计

Clariant 双语例句

1. Clariant的近义词

1. Feifan company can provide the tinctures anddyes from thosefamous companys such as the BAYER, SUMIPLAST, DIC, CIBA, CLARIANT including differenttype of colorant and additive.

2. After being reformed during a period of 6 years the major dye suppliers in the U. S. market are DyStar, Ciba and Clariant. The U. S.

3. Clariant To Leave Frankfurt Site — After a three-month study of its operations at Germany\'s Frankfurt-Griesheim industrial park, Swiss specialty chemicals firm Clariant will close its last plant there, a facility producing dichlorobenzidine.

4. A Clariant spokesman confirmed the report in the Sonntag newspaper, saying that employees at Swiss plants could also be affected by the measure.

5. In addition we have the agents of Asahi, Croda, Huntsman and Clariant product.

6. As one of five divisions in Clariant, Pigments and Additives Division offers a wide range of high quality pigments, micronised waxes, light-stabilisers, flame retardants for coating applications as well as dyes and chemicals for aluminum anodising applications.

7. The local rule of law. is the lowest request for Clariant and its all subordinate companies.

8. Coldblack is the result of a close cooperation between Schoeller and Clariant International.
coldblack 是舍勒和科莱恩两家公司之间相互合作的结果。

9. Clariant是什么意思

9. When we investigate new product and set up a new generative arts and crafts, Clariant will thought over the environmental problem firstly, in order to settle the problem in primary step.

10. For example: Clariant Ltd and Clariant pigment Ltd, each of them owned the best system of deal with the waste water、safe environment protection the healthy rule.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. In the paint department, I am the Secretary for not only general agent distribution±Spain and inorganic ultramarine pigments, Fulu America cadmium pigments, Singapore° black masterbatch, Germany Merck pearl powder well-known chemical pigments, but also Bayer Lanxess Distribution high horse Antilles high-performance dyes, fluorescent pigments SWADA Britain, Germany plastic with organic pigments Clariant, Germany Wacker silicone oil, as well as Japan Marble Point, and many other products.

12. Clariant attatch important to the questions of environment protection、safety and healthiness extraordinary which was regard as the most important task.

13. This is the reason for Clariant to improve the dyeing processes with sulphur dyes.

14. The cosmopolitan organizational meshwork of Clariant is distributing in the five continents, preponderate over 100 aggregative company make up of it.
科莱恩的全球组织网络分布于五大洲,由超过 100 个集团公司组成。

15. Mr Hulme said huntsman was looking at a range of possible plants in China, including some owned by Chinese chemicals groups, which he did not identify, and plants owned by Clariant and BASF.

16. Clariant produces high performance waxes which are used mainly in plastics, coatings and inks, as well as in adhesives and polishes.

17. For more information about Clariant, please access the website.


18. Clariant is a global leader in the field of fine and specialty chemicals with headquarters based in Switzerland.

19. All of the Clariant subordinates must accord with the bottommost request which is local rule of law.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. For the all and the one, Clariant will dive into investigation and exploitation with 4% of saleroom of a year.

Clariant 单语例句\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u67E5\\u8BE2\\u00B7\\u82F1\\u8BED\\u5355\\u8BCD

1. The plant is Clariant\'s first ethoxylation production center in Asia, and the largest site for its global Industrial and Consumer Specialties Business Unit.

2. Clariant has launched a global strategy to focus more on highly profitable sectors.

3. The rapid growth of the Chinese market saw Clariant\'s global sales increase by 22 percent in 2010.

4. Clariant has continually grown its presence in China since the company was formed in 1995.

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本文链接: http://clariants.immuno-online.com/view-715000.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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